本月圣地亚哥县的第二个当地感染的登革热病例; 60个家庭用杀虫剂治疗. 2nd locally acquired dengue case in San Diego County this month; 60 homes treated with pesticides.
一个维斯塔居民因登革热住院, 成为本月圣地亚哥县第二例本地登革热病例, A Vista resident has been hospitalized with dengue fever, marking the second case of locally acquired dengue in San Diego County this month, following an unrelated case in Escondido. 此人没有前往登革热常见的地区。 This individual did not travel to an area where dengue is common. 由于登革热通常是通过感染蚊子的咬咬传播的,因此该县正在用杀虫剂对60个家庭进行治疗,以控制蚊子人口。 The county is treating 60 homes with pesticides to control mosquito populations, as dengue is typically transmitted by bites from infected mosquitoes. 今年,该县报告了53起与旅行有关的登革热病例。 There have been 53 travel-related dengue cases reported in the county this year.