帕尔姆海滩县报告的地方性登革热病例;卫生官员合作监测和防止传播。 Locally-acquired dengue fever case reported in Palm Beach County; health officials collaborate to monitor and prevent spread.
佛罗里达州卫生部报告,棕榈滩县发生当地获得的登革热病例。 The Florida Department of Health has reported a locally-acquired case of dengue fever in Palm Beach County. 对此,卫生官员正与蚊子控制司合作,监测和防止进一步蔓延。 In response, health officials are collaborating with the Mosquito Control Division to monitor and prevent further spread. 敦促居民使用驱蚊剂、纱窗并消除积水。 Residents are urged to use mosquito repellent, screen windows, and eliminate standing water. 症状可能在两周内发展,可能包括发烧和身体疼痛,严重病例可能导致严重并发症。 Symptoms may develop within two weeks and can include fever and body pain, with severe cases potentially leading to serious complications. 具体地点细节仍未披露。 Specific location details remain undisclosed.