在撒丁岛,20,000头羊死于蓝调病毒爆发,气候变化加剧了这种情况。 20,000 sheep die in Sardinia amid bluetongue virus outbreak, exacerbated by climate change.
撒丁岛正与蓝舌鸟病毒的大规模爆发作战, 今年已有约20 000只绵羊死亡, Sardinia is battling a severe outbreak of bluetongue virus, which has killed around 20,000 sheep this year, impacting the island's vital sheep farming sector. 气候变化正在使局势恶化,导致更早、更长时间的暴发。 Climate change is exacerbating the situation, causing earlier and prolonged outbreaks. 这种病毒通过咬蚊子传播,导致羊群出现严重症状,但对人类无害。 The virus, spread by biting midges, leads to severe symptoms in sheep but is harmless to humans. 推迟接种疫苗和当局反应不足造成了重大经济损失,要求改进预防措施和对农民的赔偿。 Delayed vaccinations and inadequate responses from authorities have resulted in significant economic losses, with calls for improved preventive measures and compensation for farmers.