爱尔兰农业部报告施马伦贝格病毒病例有所增加,这是一种由蠓传播的病毒,会导致小牛和羔羊出生畸形。 Ireland's Department of Agriculture reports a rise in Schmallenberg virus cases, a midge-borne virus causing birth deformities in calves and lambs.
爱尔兰农业部发现施马伦贝格病毒病例有所增加,这是一种由蠓传播的病毒,会导致小牛和羔羊出生畸形。 Ireland's Department of Agriculture has detected a rise in Schmallenberg virus cases, a midge-borne virus that causes birth deformities in calves and lambs. 该病毒于 2012 年在爱尔兰首次发现,并传播到整个欧洲。 The virus was first detected in Ireland in 2012 and spread across Europe. 敦促农民将所有畸形动物提交进行检测,以加强监测和监测病毒的潜在爆发,以及可能更具影响力的蓝舌病毒。 Farmers are being urged to submit all animals with deformities for testing to increase surveillance and monitor potential outbreaks of the virus, as well as the potentially more impactful Bluetongue Virus.