荷兰所有12个省都证实患有蓝舌病,影响到1 722头羊和牛。 Bluetongue disease confirmed in all 12 Dutch provinces, affecting 1,722 sheep and cattle.
荷兰所有12个省都证实,蓝舌病主要影响绵羊和牛群,感染人数已达1 722人。 Bluetongue disease, confirmed in all 12 Dutch provinces, primarily affects sheep and cattle and has reached 1,722 infections. 这种病毒通过蚊子传播,造成蓝舌和口炎等症状;一些动物可能恢复,但另一些则可能因并发症而死亡。 The virus, spread by midges, causes symptoms like a blue tongue and mouth inflammations; some animals may recover, but others can die from complications. 疫情始于2023年9月,此前,Flevoland是唯一没有报告病例的省份。 The outbreak started in September 2023 and previously, Flevoland was the only province without reported cases.