丹麦证实,在牲畜中爆发BTV-3蓝舌病,蔓延到欧洲各地。 Denmark confirms BTV-3 bluetongue disease outbreak in livestock, spreading across Europe.
丹麦已证实蓝舌病(BTV-3)病例,这种昆虫传播的病毒性疾病对绵羊、牛和山羊等牲畜致命,但不对人类构成危险。 Denmark has confirmed cases of bluetongue disease (BTV-3), an insect-borne viral illness that is fatal for livestock such as sheep, cows, and goats but poses no risk to humans. 8月初首次检测到的这一疾病在欧洲各地蔓延,有来自德国、荷兰和法国的报告。 First detected in early August, the disease has spread across Europe, with reports from Germany, the Netherlands, and France. 丹麦当局正在对受影响动物进行疫苗接种,预计有可能进一步扩散。 Danish authorities are vaccinating affected animals and anticipate a high risk of further spread. 症状包括蓝舌和呼吸困难,但牛奶仍然可以安全消费。 Symptoms include a blue tongue and breathing difficulties, but milk remains safe for consumption.