联合国实况调查团报告苏丹部队侵犯人权和可能犯下战争罪,强调平民袭击,呼吁保护和武器禁运。 UN fact-finding mission reports human rights violations and potential war crimes by Sudanese forces, highlighting civilian attacks and calling for protection and arms embargo.
联合国实况调查团报告,苏丹武装部队和快速支援部队在目前的冲突中广泛侵犯人权和可能犯下战争罪。 A UN fact-finding mission has reported extensive human rights violations and potential war crimes by both the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces amid ongoing conflict. 特派团重点指出不分青红皂白地袭击平民,包括性暴力和酷刑,造成大规模流离失所和人道主义危机。 The mission highlights indiscriminate attacks on civilians, including sexual violence and torture, resulting in mass displacement and humanitarian crises. 安理会呼吁建立一支保护平民的独立部队,并扩大武器禁运,以遏制暴力。 It calls for an independent force to protect civilians and an expanded arms embargo to curb violence.