南苏丹特派团对南苏丹境内造成平民伤害的冲突表示震惊,呼吁开展对话。 UNMISS expresses alarm over clashes in South Sudan causing civilian harm, calls for dialogue.
联合国南苏丹特派团(南苏丹特派团)对国民军与反对派部队最近在西赤道州发生的冲突感到震惊,这些冲突造成了平民伤亡和流离失所。 The UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) is alarmed by recent clashes between the national army and opposition forces in Western Equatoria, which have caused civilian casualties and displacement. 联合国驻阿富汗特派团呼吁政府介入以防止进一步冲突, UNMISS has called for government intervention to prevent further conflict and urged military groups to resolve tensions through dialogue. 特派团还强调,需要在全国各地部署统一部队。 The mission also highlights the need for deploying unified forces across the country.