加拿大国家铁路公司(Canadian National Railway Co.)和加拿大太平洋堪萨斯城公司(Canadian Pacific Kansas City)在联邦劳工委员会结束铁路停工后恢复运营。 Canadian National Railway Co. and Canadian Pacific Kansas City resumed operations after a federal labour board ended a rail work stoppage.
加拿大最大的铁路公司加拿大国家铁路公司(Canadian National Railway Co.)和加拿大太平洋堪萨斯城铁路公司(Canadian Pacific Kansas City)在联邦劳工委员会(Federal Labor Board)决定于周六结束铁路停工后,于周一恢复运营。 Canada's largest railways, Canadian National Railway Co. and Canadian Pacific Kansas City, resumed operations on Monday following a federal labor board decision that ended a rail work stoppage on Saturday. 上周四,铁路公司关闭了他们的服务并停工,导致全国各地的货运交通大面积中断,并影响了多伦多、蒙特利尔和温哥华的通勤线路。 The rail companies shut down their services and locked out workers last Thursday, leading to widespread disruption of freight traffic across the country and affecting commuter lines in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.