9 300名加拿大铁路工人面临罢工或闭厂行动的潜在风险,扰乱了各行业的供应链。 9,300 Canadian railway workers face potential strike or lockout action, disrupting supply chains for industries.
加拿大主要铁路、加拿大太平洋堪萨斯市有限公司和加拿大国家铁路公司的9 300名工人面临罢工或闭厂行动的潜在风险,扰乱了各行业的供应链。 9,300 workers at Canada's major railways, Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd (CPKC) and Canadian National Railway Co, face potential strike or lockout action, disrupting supply chains for industries. 加拿大铁路会议向CPKC发出了72小时罢工通知,CN Rail发出了停工通知。 The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference served a 72-hour strike notice to CPKC, and CN Rail issued a lockout notice. 两家公司都在停止货运,为可能的停工作准备。 Both firms are halting shipments in preparation for potential work stoppages. 联邦劳工部长拒绝了具有约束力的仲裁请求,敦促各公司本着诚意进行谈判。 Federal Labour Minister rejected a request for binding arbitration, urging the companies to bargain in good faith. 加拿大铁路协会报告说,铁路线每天运送的货物价值超过10亿美元,加拿大出口的一半以上是通过铁路运输的。 The Railway Association of Canada reports that rail lines carry over $1 billion worth of goods daily, with more than half of Canada's exports transported by rail.