Regina的火车出轨扰乱交通,造成道路关闭,但没有伤亡报告。 Train derailment in Regina disrupts traffic, causes road closures, but no injuries reported.
2024年12月19日在西北部的里贾纳发生了火车出轨事件 扰乱了McCarthy大道的交通 A train derailment occurred in northwest Regina on December 19, 2024, disrupting traffic on McCarthy Boulevard. 加拿大国家铁路 (CN) 报告说,这起事件涉及空粮车,导致第一大道至米克尔森大道之间的道路关闭,以及多西街交叉口. The Canadian National Railway (CN) reported the incident involved empty grain cars and caused road closures between 1st Avenue to Mikkelson Drive and at the Dorothy Street crossing. 紧急救援人员管理了现场,CN为不便道歉。 Emergency crews managed the scene, and CN apologized for the inconvenience. 交通在下午1时恢复,没有伤亡、火灾或泄漏报告。 Traffic resumed by 1 p.m., with no reported injuries, fires, or leaks.