加拿大的铁路服务非必要,为罢工开辟了可能性。 Labor board rules Canadian rail services non-essential, opening possibility of a strike.
加拿大铁路服务非必要,如果无法达成协议,早在8月22日就可罢工。 Labor board rules Canadian rail services non-essential, opening possibility of a strike as early as August 22 if no agreement is reached. 铁路工业有可能发生罢工,因为劳工和管理层之间的谈判尚未达成合同协议。 The railway industry is at risk of a potential strike, as negotiations between labor and management have yet to result in a contract agreement. 劳工局的决定引起了人们对供应链和经济的潜在影响的关切。 The labor board's decision has sparked concerns about the potential impact on the supply chain and economy.