塔利班领导人Akhundzada在大学访问时很少提到教育政策的转变,但妇女的教育限制仍然存在。 Taliban leader Akhundzada's rare university visit hints at educational policy shift, but women's education restrictions remain.
被排斥在外的塔利班领导人Hibatullah Akhundzada罕见地访问了坎大哈大学,强调宗教和现代教育的重要性。 The reclusive Taliban leader, Hibatullah Akhundzada, made a rare visit to Kandahar University, emphasizing the importance of both religious and modern education. 这标志着他第一次前往现代教育机构,有可能表明塔利班的教育立场有所转变。 This marks his first known trip to a modern educational institution, potentially signaling a shift in the Taliban's stance on education. 然而,该团体仍然限制妇女和女孩在六年级以后上学,这受到国际批评,并阻碍塔利班承认阿富汗为合法政府。 However, the group still restricts women and girls from attending schools beyond sixth grade, which has drawn international criticism and hinders the Taliban's recognition as Afghanistan's legitimate government.