中国的地铁站通过电子广告牌上的个性化广告程序,创造20%的收入增长。 China's metro stations generate 20% revenue increase through personalized ad programs on electronic billboards.
中国的地铁站正在通过个性化广告程序创造新的收入, 广州、北京、成都和赫非等城市允许人们为电子广告牌上的个人形象显示付费。 China's metro stations are generating new revenue through personalized ad programs, with cities like Guangzhou, Beijing, Chengdu, and Hefei allowing people to pay for profile displays on electronic billboards. 广告将广州地铁收入增加20%, 收费从380元增至999元, The ads have increased subway revenue by 20% in Guangzhou with charges from 380 yuan to 999 yuan for a five-day display. 这些个性化广告涵盖了约会资料、求职通知和生日祝福,在中国社交媒体上风靡一时,为乘客提供了从日常通勤中解脱出来的机会。 The personalized ads, which cover dating profiles, job-seeking notices, and birthday wishes, have gone viral on Chinese social media, offering passengers a break from the daily commute.