AD-Linkage介绍香港在中国大陆数字营销平台上首个经认证的课程。 AD-Linkage introduces Hong Kong's first certified course on mainland China's digital marketing platforms.
AD-Linkage已推出香港首个政府认证的数字营销课程, 重点是中国大陆市场。 AD-Linkage has launched Hong Kong's first government-certified digital marketing course focusing on mainland China's market. 该课程涵盖小红书、百度、抖音和微信等主要平台,提供实用技能和真实案例研究。 The course covers major platforms like Xiaohongshu, Baidu, Douyin, and WeChat, offering practical skills and real-world case studies. 该方案专门为数字营销商、企业家和社会媒体管理人员提供持续支助,有资格在继续教育基金下获得报销。 Tailored for digital marketers, entrepreneurs, and social media managers, the program provides ongoing support and is eligible for reimbursement under the Continuing Education Fund.