每天,数百艘油轮通过非官方路线将库尔德石油运送到伊朗和土耳其,每月带来 2 亿美元的收入,并引发美国违反制裁的担忧。 Hundreds of oil tankers daily transport Kurdish oil through unofficial routes to Iran and Turkey, generating $200M/month and raising US sanction breach concerns.
每天,数百艘油轮通过非官方路线将库尔德石油从库尔德斯坦首都埃尔比勒运送到伊朗和土耳其,每月收入约 2 亿美元。 Hundreds of oil tankers daily transport Kurdish oil from Erbil, Kurdistan's capital, to Iran and Turkey through unofficial routes, generating roughly $200 million a month. 在官方管道关闭后,黑市交易有所增加,威胁到伊朗可能违反美国对伊朗的制裁,并引发了人们对伊拉克政府问责和适当批准的担忧。 This black-market trade has increased following the closure of an official pipeline, threatening potential US sanction breaches on Iran and raising concerns over accountability and proper approval from the Iraqi government.