俾路支省有240万人依赖伊朗走私石油,造成巴基斯坦每年2270亿卢比的收入损失。 2.4 million people in Balochistan rely on smuggled Iranian oil, causing a Rs227bn annual revenue loss to Pakistan.
俾路支省有 240 万人依赖伊朗走私石油,导致巴基斯坦每年损失 2270 亿卢比的收入。 2.4 million people in Balochistan rely on smuggled Iranian oil, contributing to a Rs227bn annual revenue loss to Pakistan. 情报机构报告称,每天通过陆路和海路走私的伊朗汽油和柴油达 1000 万升。 Intelligence agencies report daily smuggling of 10 million litres of Iranian petrol and diesel through land and sea routes. 联合报告确定了100个害群之马、533个非法加油站和105名伊朗石油走私者,并详细说明了非正式过境点和走私路线。 The joint report identifies 100 black sheep, 533 illegal petrol stations, and 105 Iranian oil smugglers, with details on informal border crossings and smuggling routes.