风暴巴贝特过后 6 个月,南约克郡卡特克利夫仍有 200 多所房屋无法居住,居民流离失所。 6 months after Storm Babet, over 200 homes in Catcliffe, South Yorkshire are still uninhabitable, leaving residents displaced.
风暴巴贝特 (Storm Babet) 袭击英国六个月后,造成了毁灭性的洪水、大面积停电,并造成 7 人死亡,但许多社区仍在恢复中。 6 months after Storm Babet hit the UK, causing devastating flooding, widespread power cuts, and leaving seven people dead, many communities are still recovering. 在南约克郡的卡特克利夫,超过 200 所房屋被疏散,许多居民在房屋修复期间仍住在酒店或与家人住在一起。 In Catcliffe, South Yorkshire, over 200 homes were evacuated, and many residents are still living in hotels or with family while their properties are repaired. 遭受洪水侵袭的社区表达了被遗忘的感觉。 Flood-hit communities express feelings of being forgotten.