暴风雨使社区停电,房屋受损;居民团结起来清理。 Storm leaves community with power outages, damaged homes; residents unite for cleanup.
最近一场暴风雨使一个社区陷入普遍停电和房屋受损的境地,促使居民团结起来进行清理工作。 A recent storm has left a community grappling with widespread power outages and damaged homes, prompting residents to band together for cleanup efforts. 破坏的程度相当严重,许多住房受到结构性问题和公用事业中断的影响。 The extent of the damage is significant, with many homes suffering structural issues and utilities disrupted. 地方当局正在努力恢复服务,并协助受影响的居民。 Local authorities are working to restore services and assist affected residents.