在Basingstoke的一条爆水管导致50户人家因洪水而撤离。 A burst water pipe in Basingstoke led to the evacuation of 50 homes due to flooding.
在Basingstoke,一个爆裂的自来水管造成洪水,迫使Popley地区的50所房屋撤离,影响到特立尼达附近的地产、福克兰群岛公路和马耳他附近的地产。 In Basingstoke, a burst water pipe caused flooding that forced the evacuation of 50 homes in the Popley area, affecting properties on Trinidad Close, Falkland Road, and Malta Close. 包括消防员、警察和地方理事会在内的紧急服务机构协助撤离居民,并为流离失所者建立一个社区中心。 Emergency services, including firefighters, police, and the local council, assisted in evacuating residents and setting up a community center for those displaced. 修复主水管的工作正在进行之中。 Repairs are underway to fix the water main.