台湾花莲发生7.2级地震。 A 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Hualien, Taiwan.
台湾发生7.2级地震,引发日本和菲律宾海啸警报,现已解除。 Taiwan has been hit by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, triggering a tsunami warning for Japan and the Philippines, which has since been lifted. 据报道,这次地震发生在花莲市以南约 20 公里处,已造成至少四人死亡、数十人受伤,震中附近地区的建筑受损。 The quake, which struck roughly 20 kilometres south of the city of Hualien, has reportedly caused at least four deaths and dozens of injuries, with building damage reported in the region near the epicentre. 台湾中部东海岸山区也发生了山体滑坡。 Landslides have also occurred along the mountainous central east coast of Taiwan.