全球银行警告澳大利亚,由于气候变化的影响,到2050年,每年的GDP可能会下降14%。 Global banks warn Australia's GDP could drop 14% annually by 2050 due to climate change impacts.
包括澳大利亚储备银行在内的141个中央银行组成的网络预测,根据目前的气候政策,澳大利亚国内生产总值每年将受到14%的打击,到2050年,生活水平将下降7万亿美元。 A network of 141 central banks, including Australia's Reserve Bank, predicts a 14% annual hit to Australia's GDP under current climate policies, leading to a $7 trillion drop in living standards by 2050. 这包括极端天气、自然破坏和生产力损失,到2030年每年减少经济1 470亿美元,到2040年减少经济3 500亿美元,到2050年减少经济6 560亿美元。 This includes extreme weather, nature damage, and productivity loss, with annual economic reductions of $147 billion by 2030, $350 billion by 2040, and $656 billion by 2050. 投资者集团呼吁制定更强有力的排放目标和转向可再生能源。 The investor group calls for stronger emission targets and a shift to renewable energy.