澳大利亚的气候报告突出强调了不断上升的极端天气事件、不断上升的温度和采取净零排放行动的必要性。 Australia's climate report highlights rising extreme weather events, increasing temperature, and need for net-zero emissions action.
CSIRO和BOM的澳大利亚气候状况报告指出,由于气候变化,诸如灌木林和洪水等极端天气事件有所增加。 Australia's State of the Climate report from CSIRO and BOM indicates a rise in extreme weather events like bushfires and floods, attributed to climate change. 自1910年以来,国家气温上升了1.51摄氏度,升温速度加快。 The nation's temperature has increased by 1.51°C since 1910, with the rate of warming accelerating. 这导致更频繁的热事件和降雨模式的变化,影响到农业和社区。 This leads to more frequent heat events and changes in rainfall patterns, impacting agriculture and communities. 强调采取紧急行动实现净零排放,以进一步减轻负面后果。 Urgent action to achieve net-zero emissions is emphasized to mitigate further negative consequences.