戈利塔的强风导致斯托克路上多棵桉树倒塌,导致道路封闭,公寓大楼倒塌,导致四名居民和一只狗流离失所,但没有造成人员伤亡。 Strong winds in Goleta resulted in multiple downed Eucalyptus trees on Storke Road, causing road closures, a building collapse at a condo, displacing four residents and a dog, but no injuries.
周日早上,戈利塔的强风导致斯托克路上多棵桉树倒塌,导致道路封闭。 On Sunday morning, strong winds in Goleta led to multiple downed Eucalyptus trees on Storke Road, resulting in road closures. 一棵树倒在戈利塔公寓大楼的一栋建筑上,导致四名居民和一只狗流离失所。 One tree fell onto a building at a Goleta condominium complex, displacing four residents and a dog. 两起事件均未报告有人受伤。 No injuries were reported in either incident. 圣巴巴拉县消防队员正在协助受影响居民打捞和恢复个人物品。 Santa Barbara County firefighters are assisting with salvage and recovery of personal items for the affected residents.