一场严重的风暴袭击了洛杉矶,在火灾肘痕地区引发了泥石流和山洪暴发。 A severe storm hit Los Angeles, causing mudslides and flash flooding in fire-scarred areas.
一场强大的风暴袭击了洛杉矶,在受最近 Palisades 大火影响的地区引发了泥石流和泥石流。 A powerful storm hit Los Angeles, causing mudslides and debris flows in areas affected by the recent Palisades Fire. 大雨和 70 英里/小时的阵风导致一些火灾燃烧区疏散,并关闭了马里布学校。 Heavy rain and 70 mph wind gusts led to the evacuation of some fire-burned zones and closed Malibu schools. 一辆消防部门的车辆被卷入大海,但车上的人受了轻伤逃脱。 A fire department vehicle was swept into the ocean, but the occupant escaped with minor injuries. 这场风暴还导致旧金山湾区发生山洪暴发,俄勒冈州出现白雪皑皑的情况。 The storm also caused flash flooding in the San Francisco Bay area and whiteout conditions in Oregon.