一场严重的风暴袭击了洛杉矶,引发了泥石流、洪水并关闭了马里布的学校。 A severe storm hit Los Angeles, causing mudslides, flooding, and closing Malibu schools.
周四,一场强大的风暴袭击了洛杉矶,在受最近 Palisades 大火影响的地区造成了大雨和泥石流。 A powerful storm hit Los Angeles on Thursday, causing heavy rain and mudslides in areas affected by the recent Palisades Fire. 一辆消防部门的车辆被卷入大海,但车上的人受了轻伤逃脱。 A fire department vehicle was swept into the ocean, but the occupant escaped with minor injuries. 这场风暴还给洛杉矶带来了强风、雷暴和潜在的龙卷风,并导致北加州山洪暴发和俄勒冈州白雪皑皑。 The storm also brought severe winds, thunderstorms, and potential tornadoes to LA, and caused flash flooding in Northern California and whiteout conditions in Oregon. 作为预防措施,当局发布了疏散警告并关闭了马里布学校。 Authorities issued evacuation warnings and closed Malibu schools as a precaution.