中国国务院推行促进生育、营造儿童友好环境的政策。 China's State Council introduces policies to promote childbirth and create a child-friendly environment.
中国国务院出台了新政策,促进生育,为养育子女营造扶持环境。 China's State Council has introduced new policies to promote childbirth and create a supportive environment for raising children. 这些措施的重点是改善分娩和儿童保育服务,加强教育、住房和就业支助,培养产前文化。 The measures focus on improving childbirth and childcare services, enhancing education, housing, and employment support, and fostering a pro-natal culture. 这些举措旨在应对人口挑战,鼓励中国建立爱幼社会。 These initiatives aim to address demographic challenges and encourage a child-friendly society in China.