中国在人口减少之际, 面临对无效的出生率提升措施的批评。 China faces criticism over ineffective birth rate boost measures as population decline looms.
中国通过向有年幼子女的家庭提供补贴和税收减免来提高出生率的努力被批评为无效。 China's efforts to boost its birth rate through subsidies and tax breaks for families with young children have been criticized as ineffective. 分析家认为,这些措施未能解决出生率下降的根本原因,例如生活费用高昂和经济不确定性。 Analysts argue that these measures fail to address the root causes of the declining birth rate, such as high living costs and economic uncertainty. 据联合国预测,到2100年,中国人口可以减半。 The United Nations predicts China's population could halve by 2100. 卫生部长Lei Haichao呼吁制定更广泛的政策,包括现金奖励和灵活工作安排,以鼓励分娩。 Health Minister Lei Haichao calls for broader policies including cash incentives and flexible work arrangements to encourage childbirth.