在控制禽流感爆发后,国家解除家禽生产禁令。 State lifts poultry production ban after controlling bird flu outbreak.
在成功遏制禽流感爆发之后,一个州已解除对家禽生产的暂停。 A state has lifted its suspension on poultry production following a successful containment of a bird flu outbreak. 这一行动标志着家禽养殖户和该行业恢复正常作业,表明病毒进一步传播的风险已经减轻。 The move signals the return to normal operations for poultry farmers and the industry, indicating that the risk of further virus spread has been mitigated. 未提供疫情爆发控制措施的具体状态和详细情况。 The specific state and details of the outbreak's control measures are not provided.