收容了 100 万只鸟;自 6 月 24 日以来没有新病例;隔离区已过渡到控制区。 1-million-bird cull contained; no new cases since June 24; quarantine transitioned to control zones.
维多利亚州当局控制了一场严重的禽流感爆发,导致8个农场收割了100多万只鸡和鸭子。 Victorian authorities have contained a severe avian influenza outbreak that resulted in the culling of over a million chickens and ducks across eight farms. 自6月24日以来, 没有新病例被报告. First detected on May 22, no new cases have been reported since June 24. 隔离区已经向控制区过渡,解除了鸟类住房限制,尽管运输家禽产品仍然需要许可证。 Quarantine areas have transitioned to control zones, lifting housing restrictions for birds, though permits are still needed for moving poultry products. 建议农民和鸟类所有者保持警惕,并报告任何异常的鸟类死亡事件。 Farmers and bird owners are advised to remain alert and report any unusual bird deaths. 病毒的起源尚不清楚,但与澳大利亚的野生鸟类有关。 The virus's origin is still unclear but is linked to wild birds in Australia.