爱荷华州州长延长了受禽流感突发影响的五个县的灾害公告。 Iowa governor extends disaster proclamation for five counties hit by bird flu outbreaks.
因爆发禽流感,爱荷华州州长金·雷诺兹(Kim Reynolds)向五个县——奥布赖恩、帕洛阿尔托、萨克、苏和沃思(O'Brien、Palo Alto、Sac、Sioux和Worth)发出了灾害公告。 Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds extended a disaster proclamation for five counties—O'Brien, Palo Alto, Sac, Sioux, and Worth—due to bird flu outbreaks. 公告有效期至2025年2月1日,允许国家资源协助跟踪和管理高致病性禽流感(HPAI)。 The proclamation, lasting until February 1, 2025, allows state resources to assist with tracking and managing the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). 农业部证实这些县有病例,但没有直接的公共卫生问题,家禽产品仍安全消费。 The USDA confirmed cases in these counties, but there is no immediate public health concern, and poultry products remain safe to consume. 建议生产者如果在羊群中怀疑有HPAI,就与其兽医联系。 Producers are advised to contact their veterinarians if they suspect HPAI in their flocks.