西班牙向约25 000名受巴伦西亚洪灾影响的移民提供一年期居住许可。 Spain offers one-year residence permits to about 25,000 migrants affected by Valencia floods.
西班牙政府计划向大约25 000名受去年巴伦西亚水灾影响的移民发放一年居住和工作许可, Spain's government plans to grant one-year residence and work permits to about 25,000 migrants impacted by last year's floods in Valencia, which killed over 200 people. 该措施旨在帮助那些生活在受影响地区的非正规居民。 The measure aims to aid those living irregularly in the affected areas. 失去亲属的外国人将获得为期五年的居住许可。 Foreigners who lost relatives will receive five-year residency permits. 这一倡议与其他欧洲国家的边界管制更加严格形成对照。 This initiative contrasts with tighter border controls in other European countries.