摩洛哥当局阻止了前往欧洲的近79 000名移民,比2023年增加了4.6%。 Moroccan authorities stopped nearly 79,000 migrants heading to Europe, a 4.6% rise from 2023.
2024年,摩洛哥当局阻止78 685名移民(大多来自西非)非法越境进入欧洲,比上一年增加了4.6%。 In 2024, Moroccan authorities prevented 78,685 migrants, mostly from West Africa, from illegally crossing into Europe, marking a 4.6% increase from the previous year. 促使移徙的因素包括冲突、失业和气候变化。 Factors driving migration include conflicts, unemployment, and climate change. 摩洛哥和西班牙已加强合作,遏制无证移徙,摩洛哥部队拯救了18 645名可能来自不安全船只的移民,比2023年增加了10.8%。 Morocco and Spain have enhanced cooperation to curb undocumented migration, with Moroccan forces rescuing 18,645 would-be migrants from unsafe boats, a 10.8% rise from 2023. 最近发生的一起事件导致多达50名移民在穿越西班牙加那利群岛时可能溺死。 A recent incident saw up to 50 migrants potentially drowning while crossing to Spain’s Canary Islands.