西班牙引入了“带薪气候假”,允许工人在突发天气事件期间最多休息四天。 Spain introduces "paid climate leave" allowing workers up to four days off during weather emergencies.
西班牙政府引入了“带薪气候假”, 允许工人最多休息4天, Spain's government has introduced "paid climate leave," allowing workers up to four days off to avoid traveling during weather emergencies. 在此之前,10月发生致命水灾,造成230人死亡,并批评要求雇员在红色警报下工作的公司。 This follows deadly floods in October that killed 230 people and criticism of companies requiring employees to work during a red alert. 该政策旨在保护工人在极端天气事件期间免受风险。 The policy aims to protect workers from risks during extreme weather events. 政府也宣布23亿欧元援助洪水灾民, 并警告极端天气成本到2050年可能会翻一番。 The government also announced 2.3 billion euros in aid for flood victims and warned that extreme weather costs could double by 2050.