首尔的菲律宾照顾者计划正面临向私人管理的过渡, 引发了对成本与劳动权利的辩论。 Seoul's Filipino carer program, facing transition to private management, sparks debate over costs and labor rights.
首尔的菲律宾照顾者计划旨在缓解韩国出生率下降期间的育儿负担, Seoul's Filipino carer program, aimed at easing childcare burdens amid South Korea's declining birth rate, faces uncertainty as it transitions to private sector management. 该方案最初是作为为期六个月的试点启动的,但由于反应迟缓和费用问题,没有扩大。 Initially launched as a six-month pilot, the program did not expand due to lukewarm responses and cost concerns. 私人公司计划管理这项服务,引起人们对增加收费的担忧。 Private companies plan to manage the service, sparking worries about increased fees. 随着市政府为负担育儿费用的家庭建立支助系统,关于护理人员工资和劳动权利的辩论日益激烈。 The debate over carer wages and labor rights has intensified as the city government prepares support systems for families struggling with childcare costs.