2023 Q1-Q2:南朝鲜男子超过30%,占休育儿假雇员的三分之一。 2023 Q1-Q2: South Korean men surpass 30% as one-third of employees taking childcare leave.
在2023年上半年,南朝鲜男子创下了记录,占休育儿假的雇员的三分之一。 In the first half of 2023, South Korean men set a record, making up one-third of employees taking childcare leave. 这标志着男性比例首次超过30%。 This marks the first time the male proportion surpassed 30%. 劳工数据显示,领取育儿假津贴的雇员人数增加了3.2%,1月至6月期间,69 631名雇员领取了第一次津贴。 Labour data reveals a 3.2% increase in the number of employees receiving childcare leave allowances, with 69,631 employees receiving their first allowance during January to June. 休育儿假的男性工人增加的原因是,同时休育儿假的夫妇国家津贴增加。 The growth in male workers taking childcare leave is attributed to the expansion of the national allowance for couples on childcare leave simultaneously.