韩国的目标是到2030年将父亲的育儿假使用率提高到70%,以降低低出生率。 South Korea targets increasing fathers' parental leave use to 70% by 2030 to combat low birth rates.
韩国的目标是提高低出生率,到2030年将父亲使用育儿假的比例从目前的6.8%提高到70%。 South Korea aims to boost its low birth rate by increasing fathers' use of parental leave to 70% by 2030, up from 6.8% currently. 政府还计划将新母亲的职业中断率从22.3%降至10%,并支持到2027年对210,000人进行生育测试。 The government also plans to reduce career interruptions for new mothers to 10%, down from 22.3%, and support fertility tests for 210,000 people by 2027. 其他措施包括延长育儿假福利和为母亲和新生儿设立紧急护理中心。 Other measures include extending parental leave benefits and setting up emergency care centers for mothers and newborns.