前联合王国外交官辞职,声称武器出口管制是受政治操纵和不道德的。 Former UK diplomat resigns, claiming arms export controls are politically manipulated and unethical.
联合王国前外交官马克·史密斯已辞职,声称英国的武器出口管制有缺陷,并受到政治操纵。 A former UK diplomat, Mark Smith, has resigned, claiming Britain's arms export controls are flawed and subject to political manipulation. Smith指控官员受到压力,要改变关于盟国滥用联合王国武器的调查结果,举报人面临报复。 Smith alleges officials were pressured to alter findings on UK arms misuse by allies, and that whistleblowers faced retaliation. 他的索赔包括联合王国向沙特阿拉伯和以色列出售武器的问题,表明有系统努力绕过法律和道德标准。 His claims include issues with UK arms sales to Saudi Arabia and Israel, suggesting a systemic effort to bypass legal and ethical standards.