巴勒斯坦团体Al-Haq以人道主义法关切为由,就向以色列出口武器问题起诉联合王国。 Palestinian group Al-Haq sues UK over arms exports to Israel, citing humanitarian law concerns.
巴勒斯坦人权团体Al-Haq正在采取法律行动,反对联合王国商业和贸易部决定不暂停向以色列出口所有武器,特别是F-35战斗机零部件的许可证。 Palestinian human rights group Al-Haq is taking legal action against the UK's Department for Business and Trade over its decision to not suspend all arms export licenses to Israel, particularly those for F-35 fighter jet components. Al-Haq辩称,这些出口可能违反国际人道主义法。 Al-Haq argues that these exports could violate international humanitarian law. 联合王国政府仅部分暂停了350项许可证中约30项的许可证,继续不断审查向以色列出口武器的情况。 The UK government has only partially suspended around 30 of 350 licenses, maintaining that arms exports to Israel are under constant review.