香港特首谴责英国指控三名男子协助外国情报部门的决定。 Hong Kong's leader condemns UK's decision to charge 3 men with aiding foreign intelligence service.
香港特首李家超谴责英国对三名男子提起协助情报部门的指控,其中包括一名香港贸易办公室员工。 Hong Kong's leader, John Lee, has condemned the UK's decision to charge three men, including a Hong Kong trade office employee, with assisting an intelligence service. 英国的指控引发了亚洲金融中心与英国政府之间的紧张关系。 The UK's allegations have sparked tensions between the Asian finance hub and the British government. 香港特区政府要求英国政府提供有关事件的真相及公正处理,确保英国驻港贸易办事处职员的合法权益得到保障。 Hong Kong has demanded the British government to provide full details of the alleged matter and to fairly handle the situation, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of the trade office's employee are protected.