加拿大航空公司Jazz从鲁珀特王子飞往温哥华的航班延迟了11个小时, Air Canada Jazz flight from Prince Rupert to Vancouver delayed 11 hours, then canceled due to issues.
2月3日,乘Air Canada Jazz飞机从鲁珀特王子飞往温哥华的乘客由于机械问题和天气条件而面临11小时的延误。 On February 3, passengers flying from Prince Rupert to Vancouver on an Air Canada Jazz flight faced an 11-hour delay due to mechanical issues and weather conditions. 该航班最终被取消,使数名乘客,包括有工作旅行和国际航班的乘客,没有任何立即的替代办法。 The flight was eventually canceled, leaving several passengers, including those with work trips and international flights, without any immediate alternatives. 加拿大航空公司提供了有限的最新情况,没有披露任何赔偿细节。 Air Canada provided limited updates and no compensation details were disclosed.