不列颠哥伦比亚民事解决法庭命令WestJet向Steven Davidson支付633美元,以弥补因延误而中断的航班连接。 The BC Civil Resolution Tribunal ordered WestJet to pay Steven Davidson $633 for a missed flight connection due to delays.
不列颠哥伦比亚省民事解决法庭命令WestJet向Steven James Davidson支付633美元,以弥补因延误而中断的航班连接。 The British Columbia Civil Resolution Tribunal has ordered WestJet to pay $633 to Steven James Davidson for a missed flight connection due to delays. Davidson从Kamloops飞往卡尔加里的航班被推迟,导致他失去与凤凰城的联系,迟到4.5小时。 Davidson's flight from Kamloops to Calgary was delayed, causing him to miss his connection to Phoenix and arrive 4.5 hours late. 他被重新订入经济舱,而不是他购买的保费座位。 He was rebooked in economy class instead of the premium seat he had purchased. 法庭裁定因不便欠他400美元,降级欠他233美元。 The tribunal ruled he was owed $400 for inconvenience and $233 for the seat downgrade.