爱尔兰的警察招聘是公开的,提供培训、学士学位和37 311欧元的起始工资。 Ireland's Garda recruitment is open, offering training, a bachelor’s degree, and a starting salary of €37,311.
警方招募竞赛于2月6日开始, 将持续到2月27日. The Garda recruitment competition opened on February 6th and will run until February 27th. 未来的候选人可通过公共就业网站申请。 Prospective candidates can apply through the Public Jobs website. 其作用是提供7级应用警务学士学位,起始工资37 311欧元,培训期间提供免费食品和住宿。 The role offers a Level 7 Bachelor of Arts Degree in Applied Policing, a starting salary of €37,311, and free food and accommodation during training. 自2022年恢复征聘以来,将近1 500名警察受训人员已开始培训,近1 000人经证明为成员。 Since recruitment resumed in 2022, nearly 1,500 Garda Trainees have started training, with almost 1,000 attested as members. 德鲁哈里斯局长形容 职业是"令人兴奋 富有挑战性和回报性" Commissioner Drew Harris describes the career as "exciting, challenging, and rewarding."