爱尔兰警察在招聘方面挣扎,因为冗长的审查程序使候选人受挫。 Irish police struggle with recruitment as lengthy vetting process frustrates candidates.
爱尔兰的 Gardaí 面临招聘问题,因为漫长而令人沮丧的审查过程导致许多候选人退出。 Gardaí in Ireland are facing recruitment issues due to a lengthy and frustrating vetting process that has caused many candidates to drop out. 包括考试、面谈和安全检查在内的审查可耗时一年多,导致挫折感。 The vetting, which includes exams, interviews, and security checks, can take over a year, leading to frustration. 为了解决这个问题,Gardaí 现在在审查过程中录取候选人。 To address this, Gardaí now admit candidates while vetting is ongoing. 尽管作出了努力,但该部队仍低于政府15 000名成员的目标,目前为13 916人。 Despite efforts, the force remains below the government's target of 15,000 members, currently at 13,916.