爱尔兰国家警察部队“爱尔兰警察”在通知接受培训方案方面面临延误,一些申请人等待六个月以上。 Ireland's national police force, An Garda Síochána, faces delays in notifying acceptance to its training program, with some applicants waiting over six months.
爱尔兰国家警察部队的爱尔兰警察在通知申请人他们接受参加爱尔兰警察学院培训方案方面正面临严重拖延,有些人等待了6个月多的时间。 An Garda Síochána, Ireland's national police force, is facing significant delays in notifying applicants about their acceptance into the Garda College training program, with some waiting over six months. 随着宣誓就职成员人数的减少,在努力实现政府规定的15 000名军官的目标的过程中出现了这一问题。 This issue arises amid a struggle to meet a government target of 15,000 officers, as the number of sworn members has decreased. 出现拖延的原因是严格的多阶段申请程序和广泛的安全审查,特别是针对有国际背景的候选人。 Delays are attributed to a rigorous multi-stage application process and extensive security vetting, particularly for candidates with international backgrounds.