自2020年以来,超过280名新的爱尔兰警官已经辞职,仅在2023年就有55人离开。 Over 280 new Irish police officers have quit since 2020, with 55 leaving in 2023 alone.
自2020年以来,280多名爱尔兰警官在加入爱尔兰警察组织五年内辞职,2023年前11个月辞职55人。 More than 280 Irish police officers have resigned within five years of joining An Garda Síochána since 2020, with 55 resignations in the first 11 months of 2023. 部队强调,辞职率每年不到0.5%,五年内不到6%,注意到2016年至2024年期间有4 849名军官完成了培训。 The force emphasizes that the resignation rate is less than 0.5% annually and less than 6% over five years, noting that 4,849 officers completed training between 2016 and 2024. An Garda Síochána 将辞职归因于个人情况和私营部门的机会。 An Garda Síochána attributes resignations to personal circumstances and opportunities in the private sector.