美联储副主席呼吁在经济不确定的情况下谨慎调整利率。 Fed Vice Chair calls for cautious interest rate adjustments amid economic uncertainties.
美联储副主席菲利普·杰斐逊(Philip Jefferson)呼吁在调整利率时应谨慎行事, Federal Reserve Vice Chair Philip Jefferson has called for caution in adjusting interest rates, noting the economy and labor market are robust but facing uncertainties. 他预测,随着通胀减缓到美联储2%的目标,中期利率将逐步下降。 He predicts a gradual reduction in interest rates over the medium term as inflation eases toward the Fed's 2% goal. Jefferson强调,尽管今年的开端很大,但必须认真评价不断演变的经济状况和政府政策的潜在影响。 Despite a strong start to the year, Jefferson stressed the need for careful evaluation of evolving economic conditions and potential impacts of government policies.