Glasgow和Inverness之间的列车服务在一辆汽车撞上Garry Viaduct号公路后短暂中断。 Train services between Glasgow and Inverness were briefly disrupted after a vehicle hit the Garry Viaduct.
今天,格拉斯哥和因弗内斯之间的列车服务因车辆与加里维尔桥发生碰撞而中断。 Train services between Glasgow and Inverness were disrupted today due to a vehicle collision with the Garry Viaduct bridge. 苏格兰铁路网证实管道现已安全,服务已恢复正常进度。 Network Rail Scotland confirmed the viaduct is now safe, and services have resumed their normal schedule. 网络铁路公司和斯考特铁路公司都为不便道歉,并正在努力恢复服务。 Both Network Rail and ScotRail apologized for the inconvenience and are working to recover the service.