爱尔兰警方审查拖延使候选人在一年多的时间里等待结果落空。 Irish police vetting delays frustrate candidates waiting over a year for results, TD Aidan Farrelly says.
TDAidan Farrelly呼吁爱尔兰警察和候选人之间加强沟通,在完成申请程序后等待审查结果一年多。 TD Aidan Farrelly has called for better communication between Irish police and candidates waiting over a year for vetting results after completing their application process. 候选人因拖延和不确定而受挫,特别是因为警察正在接纳2024年的新申请人,而他们的审查仍在进行之中。 Candidates are frustrated by delays and uncertainty, especially since the police are admitting new applicants from 2024 while their vetting is still ongoing. Farrelly认为,申请人应当更加透明,而且这些问题依然存在,因为计划在五年内征聘5 000名新军官。 Farrelly argues that applicants deserve more transparency, and these issues persist amid plans to recruit 5,000 new officers over five years.