中国春季节旅行高峰期预计会有创纪录的旅行, 航空、铁路和公路可容纳数十亿人。 China's Spring Festival travel rush anticipates record travel, with air, rail, and road accommodating billions.
中国的春节旅行高峰期, 也就是Chunyun, 目睹了数以亿计的家庭团聚旅行。 China's Spring Festival travel rush, or chunyun, sees hundreds of millions travel for family reunions. 今年,空中旅行加上16架C919国内喷气式飞机,预计将创下纪录,旅客超过9 000万。 This year, air travel, with the addition of 16 C919 domestic jets, is expected to set a record with over 90 million passengers. 预计铁路和公路将分别处理5.10亿和72亿次旅行。 Railways and roads are forecast to handle over 510 million and 7.2 billion trips, respectively. 移徙工人收入的上升助长了从摩托车转向更舒适的交通方式。 The shift from motorcycles to more comfortable modes of transport is fueled by rising incomes among migrant workers.